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Displaying Information from a Function or Program

A running function or program does not display intermediate calculated results unless you include a command to display them. This is an important difference between performing a calculation on the entry line and performing it in a function or program.

The following calculations, for example, do not display a result in a function or program (although they do from the entry line).





Displaying Information in the History

You can use the Disp command in a program or function to display information, including intermediate results, in the history.


Disp 126

Disp "Result:",cos(π/4)


Displaying Information in a Dialog Box

You can use the Text command to pause a running program and display information in a dialog box. The user clicks OK to continue or clicks Cancel to stop the program.

You cannot use the Text command in a function.


Text "Area=" & area


Note: Displaying a result with Disp or Text does not store that result. If you expect to refer later to a result, store it to a global variable.



Disp maximum
